Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Patience is a virtue - whatever!

I’m so anxious today. I haven’t heard anything from my Trustee for ages and I’m dying to know if all my intellectual property has been appropriated by my ex-business-partner. I’ve resigned myself to the idea that I have absolutely no rights to any information regarding my estate. It seems that it is quite simply not mine any more so I have no right to ask about it. But I want to know!

I’ve sent an email to the Trustee requesting some information. Hopefully she will give me a call. This is what I wrote:

“Sorry to bother you but I haven’t heard anything and wondered what had happened. I don’t know what information I am entitled to know but I would really appreciate knowing the outcome of the liquidation of the partnership.

Actually, I would really like to understand the whole process, what is happening to my creditors and what investigations might be done into the companies of which I am a shareholder? Am I allowed to ask about this stuff? I know it will have no bearing on the outcome but I just have a macabre desire to know what has happened so far and what I can expect in the future.”

In exactly two weeks, it will be 3 months since my bankruptcy became official and as far as I can tell nothing is resolved really. I suppose my situation is pretty complex, what with all the companies, partnership and informal creditors. I wonder if I get a statement of some sort at the end? I can’t find any information online about what information is provided for the Bankrupt throughout the process.

Postcript: Just heard back from the Trustee and she has been very busy on another case (keep forgetting how many people are in the same overcrowded life-raft as me) and she will follow up and get back to me this week. She also said:

“I can advise that nothing has been submitted from your former business partner's solicitor. You are certainly entitled to information with regards to the investigations of your estate. I will follow up with the other side this week and let you know how I get on. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any queries I can help you with.”

Feeling a bit better. At least I know I’m allowed to ask.

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